"These two words, nerd and geek, are frequently used interchangeably. However, this does a great disservice to all nerds and geeks who wear the badge of their respective anti-social lifestyle choice with pride. For this reason I feel that it is of the utmost importance that we correctly define the two terms.

A geek can best be defined as one who maintains an excessive fascination with a single thing or collection of things. I use the more general term thing only because there is a wide range of fascinations available which may qualified as geeky. Some have asserted that the object of obsession must be one that is not considered to be socially acceptable or commonly observed from the majority of inhabitants of any give society."




Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jay Pharoah

This is a young 22 year old comic by the name of Jay Pharoah that just recently signed to 'Saturday Night Live' due to his amazing skills of impersonations of celebrities.  I remember seeing this guy on BET whenever they do those totally contrived and off-balance skits of him being a postman delivering "The Package" to the BET Awards every year. What I didn't know was how talented and hilarious he actually is.  Here is a montage of his skills of impersonating Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Eddie & Charlie Muprhy and others. 

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